Zodiac South Africa strives to offer world-class excellence in both products and service. Complimented by a team of dedicated staff throughout the country, we guarantee premium after sales service.
Zodiac Pool Care South Africa is part of the Zodiac group. Renowned worldwide for the quality and reliability of our products in the swimming pool industry, Zodiac is proud to be the market leader here in South Africa too.
From its creation in 1896, Zodiac has developed the best technology surrounding the elements using an ever innovation approach. Through the years its discoveries and inventions have taken the company from the air to water. A feeling for the market, a pioneer spirit, the will to always do better…
These are the rules Zodiac always follows in order to achieve ever more safety, even better performances. This philosophy, over the last century, was used to build its notoriety and create a true trusted relationship with you. If the creation of the Zodiac group is due to the implication of its staff and the
richness of its historical and economic context, the founding impulse came from its founder Maurice Mallet. This young man at first destined to be a painter, discovers the “lighter than air”, during a balloon flight in Issy-les-Moulineaux in 1879.
This experience was decisive and gave birth to a true vocation. A few years later, with the balloon expert Paul Jovis, he founded a company called l’Union Auronautique de France. From that day on, Maurice Mallet devoted his life to balloons.
The Zodiac saga began in Paris at the end of the 19th century when Maurice Mallet founded the company call “Mallet, Mulandri et de Pitray“. The company specialised in the design and construction of airships and aeroplanes. The objective of the company was to build and operate a fleet of balloons operating in spa towns, expositions and seaside resorts. This was a winning bet and during the 1990.
Universal Exposition, all of Paris marvels at the games, the museum of meteorological instruments and the other technological attractions provided by Maurice Mallet’s company. The experience brings him a new reputation, the international press describes Maurice Mallet as one of the two major balloon constructors in the world.

The company, re baptised “Société Française de Ballons Dirigeables et d’Aviation Zodiac”, thus develops the air transport sector at a period when the major effort was concentrated on promoting the automobile. The success already acquired in the leisure market extends to the professional market. Ahead of his time, Mallet approaches the major commercial companies to offer an advertising medium as visible as it was before unseen: the airship.
In 1909, the first Zodiac called the Zodiac I is born. In 1910 the company changes its name to “Société Zodiac, anciens établissements aéronautiques Maurice Mallet”. The signs of the Zodiac closely related to the skies doubtless inspire the choice of the brand name and its original logo (the signs of the Zodiac crossed by an airship). Further, the English spelling of Zodiac corresponds with the trends and styles of the period
Observation balloons, parachutes, airships… The breakout of the First World War slows the diversification of the company which mobilises its production exclusively for the war effort and orders of military aeronautical equipment. Then, despite the death of Maurice Mallet in 1926, the passion remains the driving force of the company which chooses to diversify its activity.
The year 1934 sees the arrival of the now-famous Zodiac, a two-seater inflatable kayak, which gave the brand considerable and continuing renown. From then on Zodiac evolves at the rhythm of technological progress and the purchase of high potential patents such as that of the life jacket. Benefiting from the arrival of the leisure society it diversifies in areas such as pleasure cruise boats, parachutes, and swimming pools.