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More Fun, Less Hassle.

Zodiac South Africa provides swimming pool equipment, pool maintenance products, pool cleaners and pool care supplies.

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100 Years of

100 years of innovation has made Zodiac the household name it is today, possessing a range of patented technologies that are far ahead of the pack. But, we are even more proud of our history of user-friendliness and customer support.


Zodiac South Africa provides swimming pool equipment, pool maintenance products, pool cleaners and pool care supplies.

Simply a Breathtaking Pool. This is a masterpiece pool that was purposely designed to have an amazing feature within the backyard.

Urban Oasis designed and built a classic family courtyard pool that flows into the house using wooden decking, frameless glass fencing and a seawater blue mosaic tile finish to create a beautiful extension to the family home.

Zodiac is available at selected stores and independent pool shops